Techy Naz: Agency for online marketing and web design

Powerful web design.

Convince customers. Win employees.

For 5 years, we have been developing websites for ambitious companies that lead to measurably greater successSecure your competitive advantage with the secret ingredient: marketing psychology .

Maximum success through online marketing and powerful web design

With us you can achieve these success goals in a short time

Success goal: customer acquisition

win customers

SEO, Google Ads, Social Ads, Content Marketing

  • more suitable website visitors
  • focused targeting for more leads
  • open up new markets and regions


We develop the perfect mix of good search engine optimized content and paid advertising to direct a maximum number of visitors to the landing pages of your website, where they become paying customers.

Success Goal Recruiting

Hire employees

Social Ads, Employer Branding, Google Ads

  • more qualified applications
  • maximum employee retention
  • convince as an employer


Our employer branding strategy is based on inbound recruiting, social ads and Google Ads, which allows you to find suitable specialists on the right platforms and quickly achieve your recruiting goals.

Branding Success Goal

increase popularity

Social media, content marketing, SEO

  • become visible as a brand
  • position yourself as an expert
  • stay in your mind for a long time


With content marketing, we increase your brand reputation by publishing useful content for your target audience on social media platforms and providing the best answers to relevant questions on Google.

Basis for success & scalability

Your website

Secure & data protection compliant

  • maximum goal-oriented
  • search engine optimized
  • measurable effectiveness


We design your new, modern website without any pre-made templates and always using the latest technology. Visually and content-wise, your website is geared towards your goals and your target group.

Secure your competitive advantage

Secret ingredient: marketing psychology

Stay ahead of the competition for the long term. Through the consistent use of marketing psychology methods, we take your online marketing to the next level. When it comes to the optimal layout concept, creating exclusive sales texts and selecting the best possible images: for your success, we rely on the latest findings in marketing psychology. Optimized for your target group.

Powerful web design for ambitious entrepreneurs

So that you can reach your online goals quickly and reliably

We focus 100 percent on your goals . That’s why we use high-performance web design to develop websites that are more than just a digital business card: effective websites that contribute to your goals as the most important tool in your online marketing.

Weak website without optimization

Powerful website from Techy Naz

Your website becomes a competitive advantage

Reach your goal in four steps - sustainably and quickly

Ambitious goals

Do you want more customers? More sales? New employees? State your goal! We have the optimal plan. You don’t have ambitious goals? Then we can’t do anything for you.

Powerful website

A powerful website is much more than beautiful web designOur experts develop your website to be tailored to your target group. Full focus on performance . Technically flawless.

Sustainably more visitors

You get the optimal online marketing mix because we analyze your industry, your products, your services and your target group. Our experts implement: SEO, Google Ads, social media and content marketing.

Measurable success

We measure the performance of your website for outstanding and sustainable results. Our experts manage, analyze, report and optimize the performance of your marketing strategies and your website.

This is what our successful customers about Us

The Techy Naz mission statement

Focus on your goal

With us, your project always begins with the question: What are your goals for success? Without goals, we can't do anything for you. Without goals, you don't need a website.

Measurable success

A website is not an end in itself. We make your goals and your success measurable and thus make your website a tool for successful online marketing.

Collaboration Between Experts

A versatile team of experts , consisting of web and graphic designers, programmers and online marketers, will take care of your powerful web design.

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